I don’t know about you all, but I LOVE my stickers and other tools that I have for my planner and things that make my life better! I find it hard to use them though. I worry that I won’t find it again, that I will use it up and it will be gone and this thing that brings me happiness I won’t have anymore. I am trying to think of it with a different thought process, if it brings me joy in the packaging, it will bring me joy when I use it! I have this trouble with workbooks that I get to help me think through my mindfulness or discovery. My mom bought me A BookThat Takes Time for Christmas. I have it sitting in my workspace at home, but I am scared to use it. I know that she bought this for me knowing it would be something that I would love and really take away from, to get that pen to paper; I am having a hard time. I know I need to use the same philosophy as my stickers and planner tools. This book isn’t too far off from my planner either, so I should be able t...
A bit about my planning journey and my life. Trying to share to learn more about me and would love to learn about others!