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Using Your Tools

I don’t know about you all, but I LOVE my stickers and other tools that I have for my planner and things that make my life better! I find it hard to use them though.  I worry that I won’t find it again, that I will use it up and it will be gone and this thing that brings me happiness I won’t have anymore. I am trying to think of it with a different thought process, if it brings me joy in the packaging, it will bring me joy when I use it!

I have this trouble with workbooks that I get to help me think through my mindfulness or discovery. My mom bought me A BookThat Takes Time for Christmas.  I have it sitting in my workspace at home, but I am scared to use it. I know that she bought this for me knowing it would be something that I would love and really take away from, to get that pen to paper; I am having a hard time. I know I need to use the same philosophy as my stickers and planner tools.  This book isn’t too far off from my planner either, so I should be able to use it.  The good thing is, I feel that if I commit here to use it. I have some accountability.

There is nothing wrong with collecting all these beautiful things.  The important thing is that we use them.  If you think about it, the purpose of these things is to be used; if you were at work all day and no one asked you to do anything, wouldn’t you feel useless? Not to mention that sometimes these things will go bad and no one gets to enjoy it!

It makes me laugh, as I sit here and think about this, I feel like it must be a common thing and that someone would have said something about it before; I cannot find anything on “not wanting to use supplies”.  It is a little more common when you search for art supplies.  It seems like the big tip is not to buy too much, let’s be honest, who’s going to stop buying stickers. I am trying to limit myself on the amount, and I am going to commit to using them. I don’t want my markers or anything else to dry up! I have too many pretty colors to let them go to waste! I am also going to commit to using my journals and workbooks; they will never do me any good being blank.


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