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Starting Something New

We’ve all started something new.  It’s thrilling, scary, nerve wracking; yet, it being new only lasts for a short time.  The thing that makes us or breaks us is do we keep up with it.  Many times the thing we are starting is being “healthier” going for walks or eating better. 
Getting ready for my walk

I can tell you I started waking up earlier and going for walks every morning. I decided that I want to be healthier for my son and not be the person who goes to work, comes home, and sleeps (which is what I was doing every day). I wasn’t being the best mom I could be.  Now I have been doing it for 2 weeks, so I feel like it’s still pretty new, but it is part of my routine.  I have learned that if I miss a day (because I missed one) I am tired and feel a little distracted throughout the day.  I am a much better person if I do it. I do log these walks (the fact I do it) in my planner with a HOORAY for me.  It is part of my FIT goal and I believe that is another reason I am inspired to do it.

I am learning as I get older the importance of trying something new. I preach it to my 6 year old all the time that he cannot always eat the same food and needs to try new things. I also know that I tend to not be adventurous. We are now trying to eat different foods and activities and I find that more often than not I really like it. I get excited and want to keep eating it or the activity repeatedly.

It’s a good thing to keep your options open! You can become a new person or even discover that you like something you never knew you liked!


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