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Meal Planning

I hate meal planning. It is the bane of my existence.  My son has finally gotten to a stage where he will try more things, shame on me for not making him earlier in life, so I feel like we have made a huge leap! I have scoured Pinterest and All Recipes to get ideas for my family.  Most of the time I make something once and forget it. 

Probably the worst part is the fact that my husband and I grew up in different cultures.  He’s Asian ate rice every day.  I am a White Midwest girl; I am used to potatoes and corn! When we think of dinners, we have totally different ideas. 

I have tried to incorporate things he would like in to our dinner plans, steak/chicken/pork chops with rice.  I can tell you, I get burnt out on the rice after about 3 meals a week. And… how many times can you eat the same thing?

So once a week on the weekends while we’re eating breakfast we are all together and discuss dinners for next week.  Our son requests tacos every week (which I could go for in a heartbeat, my husband not so much) and hot dogs.  He’s a real connoisseur! I get a shift of Manwich and tacos every other week.  Now the other days… UGH!

I am always looking for the good crock-pot or insta-pot recipes that will change my life and I won’t have to work hard for dinner. The good thing is that as I am thinking about this, I do have a pretty good feel for my meal planning.  I just need to make it a little more positive and know that I got this.  I need to feel better about using my meal planner tool and get to it!


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